Corn Cultivation

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Corn 🌽 Cultivation
Corn is the most produced and consumed cereal in the world; surpassing rice, wheat and sorghum. It is native to Mesoamerica (present-day Mexico) and was domesticated by the natives long before the discovery of the continent.

Photo taken in El Molino de Sataya, Culiacán, Sinaloa. Behind the corn plantation achieved without irrigation can be seen.
It is a very important crop, it is a traditional food in Latin America. For this reason, we will dedicate special importance to its cultivation method, seeking higher yields and special care for the soil where it is grown, given its exhausting power.
Maize (Zea mays) belongs to the grass family and is a tall annual plant with a broad fibrous root system. It is fast growing, therefore the cultivation work must be carried out properly since there is no time to amend what is not done in a timely manner.

Field treated with The MULTIPLOW technology
The corn plant presents a great versatility of use and formidable capacity of adaptation to diversity of climates and soils; thanks to the large number of varieties of the vegetable that exist. Although an important and determining factor for it to prosper is direct exposure to solar radiation.
Corn adapts to a wide variety of soils. Although it prefers loamy and naturally fertile soils.

The conventional corn planting system is carried out by traditional methods where the prism of the soil is inverted. In this way, weeds, harvest remains and entomofauna are crushed and incorporated into the soil, starting the decomposition of organic matter, a product of the absence of light and the action of decomposing microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, which they act ideally in this microclimate, acidifying the soil and incorporating a large number of pathogens into it.
Intervention of The MULTIPLOW technology in the cultivation of corn.

The use of The MULTIPLOW in the production of Corn becomes a necessity when it comes to planting, cultivating and weeding due to the important contributions that it integrates.

Soil preparation is done immediately after harvest and will depend on the type of soil and the conditions in which it remains.
A pass must be made with a stubble grinder or with a mower at a moderate speed and at a low height, in order to fragment the residues of the previous harvest into small portions. Immediately, taking advantage of the residual humidity of the crop that remains in the soil, the first work is carried out with The IronButterfly Plus technology, by horizontally cutting the soil to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters.

The horizontal cutting of the soil allows weeds to be cut by the roots, leaving the soil with an adequate structure and allowing the weeds to dry out and gradually integrate into the soil as organic matter and avoiding erosion caused by the direct impact of raindrops. also avoiding soil compaction.

The return of the physical-chemical structures to the soil allows the infiltration of fallen or rainwater and that it infiltrates and is retained by the soil structures, allowing its storage with the consequent increase in humidity which is used for the next planting. The return of the soil conditions gives the possibility of having it at the most appropriate moment for the start of the sowings.

Substitute the form of land preparation for conventional methods to land preparation with the new and innovative method that involves land preparation with The MULTIPLOW technology, achieving the elimination of soil compaction, plowing floor, clods caused by the loss of the physical chemical conditions that is achieved with the horizontal cut of the same and not inverting the prism with which it dries up and destroys the soil.

The progressive elimination of herbicides through the use of The MULTIPLOW with the elimination of the reproductive organs of weeds that are responsible for their propagation, which allows a greater accumulation of nutrients available for crops.
After sowing, other cultivation tasks are carried out, for which the devices of The MULTIPLOW technology are adjusted and used in hilling and weeding, which at the same time loosens the soil, which allows a better structured soil, with moisture and oxygenation necessary for the harmonious growth of the roots and the Biota of the soil, which allows an efficient nutrition and health of the crop, which guarantees the increase in the quantity and quality of production.

The photo above shows a sowing of beans on corn stubble achieved with The MULTIPLOW.

The MULTIPLOW uses a horizontal cut when used at the moment of carrying out cultivation tasks (hilling, weeding, etc.) allows adjusting the dimensions that are needed depending on the sowing frame to which we have carried out the same.

The use of this type of horizontal cut tillage without inversion of the prism allows a considerable accumulation of water that implies a saving of up to more than 50%; due to the reduction of evaporation losses that are achieved with the horizontal cut of the soil and the non-exposure to the weather of the internal layers of the same.

The return of the physical-chemical structures of the soil allow porosity and accumulation of water but does not reach the level of waterlogging, which would seriously damage the root in very rainy seasons or due to an overdose of irrigation and associated rains, which can seriously affect health. of plants and the quality and yield of the crop.

The development of the root rhizosphere, which is stimulated by this technology, makes it possible for the plant to explore a greater soil profile and therefore make the most of the water reserves stored in the subsoil for a longer period of time due to the increase in micro and macropores that the loosening of the soil entails with the horizontal cut when using The MULTIPLOW technology and the applied technologies.