Sorghum (Sorghum spp.) or maicillo is a genus of Poaceae of the grass family native to the tropical and subtropical regions of East Africa. They are grown in their area of origin; in Europe, America and Asia as cereal for human and animal consumption, and for the production of alcoholic beverages and brooms; It can be an option to replace wheat in various baking products as it is gluten-free. Sorghum is a very nutrient-rich and healthy cereal that is increasingly becoming known in Europe.
It is also very beneficial for livestock farming and can be used in formulas for both birds, ruminants, pigs and fish. It is a plant native to India, with canes 1.5 m high, full of a white and somewhat sweet tissue and hairy at the nodes, with hairless leaves, rough on the edges, flowers in loose panicles, large and straight or thick, clustered and hanging.
Sorghum grows well on both sandy and clay soils, but the largest yields are obtained on loamy soils. In general it can be said that sorghum adapts to most classes and types of soils that are permeable.
The fibrous adventitious root system develops from the lowest nodes of the stem; Rooting depth is generally 1 to 1.3 meters, with 80% of the roots in the first 30 centimeters. The number of absorbent hairs can be double that of corn, supporting roots can grow from radical shoots, but they are not effective in absorbing water and nutrients, only to support the plant.
Sorghum is a crop that in some regions of the world is replacing corn due to its resistance to diseases, in addition to the low demand for water it requires, making it an alternative to climate change.
It is a very important crop, it is a traditional food in Latin America. For this reason, we will dedicate special importance to its cultivation method, seeking higher yields and special care for the soil where it is grown given its exhausting power.
Sorghum is an annual poaceae that grows quickly, therefore cultivation work must be carried out properly since there is no time to amend what is not done in a timely manner.
This plant has great versatility of use and formidable capacity to adapt to a diversity of climates and soils; thanks to the large number of varieties of the vegetable that exist. Although an important and determining factor for it to thrive is total exposure to sunlight.
Sorghum is quite susceptible to Iron, Zinc and Manganese deficiency; especially in vertisol soils with high levels of Calcium Carbonate. These deficiencies can be observed by symptoms such as chlorotic (yellowing) plants or reddish spots along the leaves. It responds very well to a diversity of soils even with adverse characteristics of fertility, texture, slope, stoniness and pH.
The conventional corn planting system is carried out by traditional methods where the prism of the soil is inverted. In this way, weeds, crop remains and entomofauna are crushed and incorporated into the soil, initiating the decomposition of organic matter, a product of the absence of light and the action of decomposer microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, which act ideally in this microclimate, acidifying the soil and incorporating a large number of pathogens into it.
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We supply the tasks listed below for soil preparation in conventional Agriculture with the intervention of the MULTIPLOW
Chapoda: This work is carried out with The MULTIPLOW, eliminating weeds mechanically and eliminating the use of manual or chemical methods, 8 to 15 days before sowing, depending on the type and development of the weeds, as well as the topographic soil conditions.
When in the previous harvest the crop remains were completely removed for animal feed, a single pass is made with The MULTIPLOW. This activity allows the soil to be left loose and ready to favor the germination of the seed and the emergence of the seedling. eliminating the harrow passes that are applied in conventional agriculture that sometimes, depending on the soil, up to three passes are carried out.
The furrow should have a depth of 10 to 15 cm for seed germination and to promote drainage. It is recommended to perform a step with the MULTIPLOW Plow immediately after each cut or harvest to avoid soil compaction.
The use of The MULTIPLOW in the production of Sorghum becomes a necessity when it comes to sowing, cultivating and weeding due to the important contributions it makes.
Immediately after the previous harvest and at the time of carrying out the new sowing to take advantage of the residual moisture of the crop that remains in the soil, the first work is carried out with the MULTIPLOW, by horizontally cutting the soil to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters.
The horizontal cutting of the soil allows weeds to be cut by the roots, leaving the soil with an adequate structure and allowing the weeds to dry and gradually integrate as organic matter into the soil and avoiding erosion caused by the direct impact of raindrops. also avoiding soil compaction. The return of the physical-chemical structures to the soil allows the infiltration of fallen or rainwater to infiltrate and be retained by the soil structures, allowing its storage with the consequent increase in humidity which is used for the next sowing
The return of the soil conditions gives the possibility of having it at the most appropriate time for the start of sowing.
Replace the way of land preparation with conventional methods of land preparation with the new and innovative method that involves land preparation with The MULTIPLOW, achieving the elimination of soil compaction, the plow floor, clods caused by the loss of physical and chemical conditions, which is achieved by cutting it horizontally and not by inverting the prism, which desiccates and destroys the soil.
The progressive elimination of herbicides through the use of The MULTIPLOW with the elimination of the reproductive organs of the weeds that are responsible for their propagation, which allows a greater accumulation of nutrients available for crops.
After sowing, other cultivation tasks are carried out, for which the devices of The MULTIPLOW are adjusted and used in hilling and weeding, which at the same time decompact the soil, which allows for a better structured soil, with the humidity and oxygenation necessary for the harmonious growth of the roots and soil biota, which allows efficient nutrition and health of the crop that guarantees an increase in the quantity and quality of production.
There are different objectives when planting sorghum:
SOWING IN MONOCULTURE OF GRAIN SORGUS, this sowing is carried out in such a way that it allows you to establish two harvests per year, either by managing regrowth or by new sowing. When regrowth is used, immediately after cutting the grain, cultivation work is carried out with The MULTIPLOW with the objective of decompressing, hilling and weeding the soil to prepare the crop for the new sowing.
When the Sorghum variety is planted with the purpose of multi-cut forage, to supply livestock as a nutritional supplement of green matter or hay; must maintain desirable characteristics such as:
Maintaining these characteristics requires adequate nutrition management and root development in accordance with the structural characteristics of the soil, which is achieved by performing a pass with The MULTIPLOW immediately after each cut after fertilization.
It is recommended to do this planting while maintaining the residual moisture of the soil in order to obtain the greatest number of cuts during the year. To achieve this objective, staggered sowing of plots is recommended, weekly, until the sixth week, in order to ensure the permanent existence of forage of good nutritional quality. This is an important practice in management because it allows the farmer to permanently have fresh product and take advantage of the forage at its peak protein level.
The MULTIPLOW with horizontal cut when used when carrying out cultivation tasks (hilling, weeding, etc.) allows the dimensions needed to be adjusted depending on the planting frame in which we have planted.
The use of this type of horizontal cutting tillage without inversion of the prism allows a considerable accumulation of water that implies savings of up to more than 50%; due to the reduction in evaporation losses that are achieved with the horizontal cutting of the soil and the non-exposure of its internal layers to the elements.
The return of the physical-chemical structures of the soil allows porosity and accumulation of water but does not reach waterlogging, which would seriously damage the root in very rainy seasons or due to an overdose of irrigation and associated rains, which can seriously affect health. of plants and the quality and yield of the crop.
The development of the root rhizosphere, which is stimulated with this technology, makes it possible for the plant to explore a larger soil profile and therefore take advantage of the water reserves stored in the subsoil for a longer period of time and to the maximum. due to the increase in micro and macropores that the decompaction of the soil entails with horizontal cutting when using The MULTIPLOW.
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